This post marks the second part in the end of year drama reviews series, namely the disappointments of the year. Two dramas were named in the first half and we shall continue with my dissection of the dramas. Remember this is purely opinion based so feel free to agree or disagree with what I write.
Oh, seeing as this is posted on Christmas Day Australian time, take this as my Christmas gift. Hopefully, another one will accompany it.
Myung-Wol the Spy was seriously the drama of the year but not for good reasons. All the drama that this drama experienced wasn't on screen but off screen. With all the shooting fiascoes, drama with the main actress Han Ye Seul and the writing that flip-flopped everything this was not bound to end well. The original premise was quite promising with the set up of the North Koreans secretly loving the dramas and music that South Korea offered (which supposedly according to news reports is true) that they set up a Hallyu Department in their government and decide to kidnap the most popular actor in S. Korea, played by Eric from Shinwha, to act in their dramas. The premise was something new and something unique that no other drama had provided before and I was hoping that the drama would be quirky with great comedy chucked in for good measure but the drama gods had other ideas. The writers went from kidnapping Kang Woo (played by Eric) to Han Myung-Wol (played by Han Ye Seul) marrying Kang Woo to her becoming an actress and Hallyu Star. The plot line changed so quickly that I could barely wrap my head around the last change let alone the new one. Combine that with the shooting of the drama being so close to the airing date that the editing, directing and writing become so rushed that the quality of the drama quickly declined which made for a very muddled mess. That and they allowed the drama off screen to overtake the drama onscreen
Technically Athena started in 2010 but it ended early 2011 and that qualifies it for the 2011 drama reviews in my mind. I came into Athena hoping that it would be better than IRIS was but I was sadly disappointed. The two leads in my mind lacked the chemistry which was needed and the storyline followed IRIS almost exactly and that was one of the most disappointing things about the drama. It could have used the Korean Intelligence thing as a background to link it to IRIS but instead it was just a copycat IRIS with new actors. The one shining light about the drama though was the cameo by Kim So Yeon playing Kim Sun Hwa and I wished that wasn't true at all. I don't think I can spend anymore time writing about this drama ... it just brings up bad memories.
And last but not least, Romance Town. This was a drama about house maids and their owners which really interested me off the bat. I hadn't really seen a drama with this premise before and I came into the drama expecting good comedy and a spin of the typical rom-com premise that seems to follow each Korean drama. The drama started off well with the main female being linked to the main male in an interesting way which really intrigued me. Like 'My Princess', there were parts of the drama I really liked but it started to go downhill. I loved the camera work where they camera zoomed in to the characters through windows making it seem like we were peering into their lives and the characterisation of the characters within the drama. That kept me going for the first half of the drama then money came into play. The money problem began to be too much and the maids became irritating to the extent it annoyed the hell out of me and my interest in the drama just dropped. If the maids had something else to them then I could have stuck around but 3 out of the 5 maids just wanted the money cause it was money and their greed outweighed everything. I wished the characters at the end were more relatable but that wasn't the case and saddened me. This was my first drama where I watched Sung Yuri and Min Hyorin and I found them quite pleasant even though Min Hyorin's character Jung Da Kyum annoyed me at certain parts of the drama with her storyline. Sadly, this drama made the 'Villains List' due to its negatives far outweighing its positive.
On that note, the next End of Year Drama Review will be focusing on the 'Heroes'. I'm getting excited.
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